
Through your donation to Yallagan you are helping us continue our labor of love which is to bring together Jews worldwide through our platform.

Our main goal with Yallagan is to make Jewish events visible and attainable to all Jews around the world, strengthen our connection, and build ties that will last a lifetime.

We believe that Yallagan is a top leader when it comes to networking opportunities as well as creating solid relationships between Jews.

By donating to Yallagan, you are helping us with the following:

  1. Marketing, so we can reach as many Jews worldwide, even those living in small communities, so we can break the geographical barrier and reach everyone with the events published on the platform
  2. You can sponsor attendees who cannot afford to join an event.
  3. In the maintenance and development of the Yallagan platform, we are constantly adding features and improving our current ones.

As a donor to Yallagan, we will personally contact you and we will send you exclusive updates regarding our journey and progress.

Thank you

The Yallagan team

Yallagan Donation Form

On submitting this form, you'll receive a confirmation Email with our bank account details for the transfer.
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